Michael Salmon Appointed to MMC’s Senior Leadership Team
Michael Salmon has joined the College’s senior leadership team as Associate Vice President/Dean of Academic Excellence and Senior Advisor to the President.
In this role, he provides guidance related to the strategic vision and direction of the College, is integral to Cabinet-level decision-making, and serves as a liaison to committees of the Board of Trustees, including the Special Committee on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion. Michael has also taken on new responsibilities in Academic Affairs that align with his role on the senior leadership team.
In 2022, Michael will celebrate his 28th anniversary at MMC. During his earliest years at the College, Michael’s “students-first” philosophy and passionate advocacy of educational equity and access quickly drew the attention of all those around him. Soon, he was not only teaching economics but also working in the Office of Academic Advisement, where he rose quickly and served as Dean for many years, before taking on the College-wide role of representing MMC to internal and external stakeholders as AVP/Dean of Academic Excellence.
Among other College-wide roles, Michael served on the Educational Planning Working Group, which authored MMC’s Academic Strategic Plan for 2022 – 2024: A Bold Path Forward.
A core member of a pilot program on bolstering student persistence and graduation, Michael is also working to establish a new Degree Completion Program, to focus on seniors who are encountering obstacles to the timely completion of their degrees. He will continue to serve on the Students of Concern Committee, as well as the Committee on Academic Standing.
Thank you, Michael, for your extraordinary contributions over the years and congratulations on your new appointment.
Published: March 07, 2022