Shira Blumenthal ’12

Class of 2012, Major in Communication Arts 

After graduating from MMC’s Communication Arts program in 2012, Blumenthal began work as Brand Ambassador for Lion Brand Yarn, creating videos and online content for the popular textile company. She is also the founder of Hat Not Hate®, an anti-bullying campaign, developed in 2018 to help empower students across the country. 


When searching for colleges, Shira E. Blumenthal ’12 looked for the small classroom experience, and knew she’d have the opportunity at MMC to build strong relationships with her faculty. It was those relationships, Blumenthal says, that shaped and guided her towards her current career.  

After graduating from MMC’s Communication Arts program in 2012, Blumenthal began work as Brand Ambassador for Lion Brand Yarn, creating videos and online content for the popular textile company. Her Tea with Shira series has garnered over 200,000 views across platforms, and her Yarn University and Did You Know YouTube series provide entertaining and helpful advice for crafters.

It was through her work with Lion Brand that Blumenthal started Hat Not Hate, an anti-bullying campaign in 2018 to help empower students across the country. “As a victim of bullying myself,” explained Blumenthal, “I felt that there most be a way for the community of knitters and crocheters that I know so well to help put an end to the epidemic that is bullying.” Her goal was to collect 1500 knit or crocheted blue hats - the color of awareness, peace, and solidarity - and donate them to schools across the United States who participate in October’s National Bullying Prevention Month. In the campaign’s first year alone, Hat Not Hate received 2,600 hats for donation, including one all the way from Libya. In its second year, the campaign received over 23,000 from all over the world including Australia, Italy, Japan, and more. For more information, visit 

“There are no such things as mistakes, only lessons to be learned,” explains Blumenthal, regarding those who doubted her and her cause. I have made many mistakes and they have been hard to swallow. However, if I can learn from them, that’s the most important lesson of all.”