External Scholarships

All students are encouraged to apply for external scholarships. We allow students to stack their external awards on top of our financial aid awards, which means these scholarships can provide a great deal of assistance in reducing your out-of-pocket costs. 

Recommended External Scholarship Resources

  • Scholarships.com: Students visiting this site will be guided through a scholarship search tailored to their unique accomplishments and interests.
  • FastWeb: On FastWeb, students may create profiles for themselves, which the website will us to connect them with scholarships for which they appear to meet the criteria. Profiles may be updated at the student’s discretion. FastWeb will email students with scholarship opportunities year round. Students are encouraged to register for FastWeb with a secondary email address.
  • College Board: The College Board’s scholarship tool allows students to input criteria that they feel pertains to themselves through the advance search function. 
  • First Generation Students: Students who will be the first person in their families to attend college can find a number of resources and scholarship opportunities through this US News & World Reports article.
  • Scholarships for Students with Disabilities: This website, compiled by the University of Washington, provides links to a number of sources of funding for students with disabilities.
  • The Point Foundation: This organization provides scholarships and guidance on accessing additional aid to LGBT students. Students can review options and applications for aid, and can also connect with a Point Foundation Representative to discuss how to obtain further financial aid.
  • New Visions for Public Schools NYC Scholarship Guide: New Visions releases an updated, interaction list of scholarships for New York City students each year. 
  • U.S. Veterans Magazine: U.S. Veterans Magazine provides an extensive list of scholarships for service members, military spouses, and their dependents. 
  • Davis Putter Scholarship Fund: This annual award is provided to students who engage in activism on their campuses and in their communities
  • Art Deadlines List: Student should use the free options from this website to review scholarships focused on the arts.
  • College Scholarships: This website allows students to select criteria that applies to them to search for scholarships. 
  • Money Geek: From Money Geek’s drop down “Education” menu, you will find links to pages that catalog scholarships for a variety of demographics and educational programs.
  • Hispanic Scholarship Fund: This organization provides scholarships to Hispanic Heritage college students and support services such as career, wellness and mentorship.

Please Note: Time sensitive postings for individual scholarships can be found on the Center for Student Services’ Facebook page. 

The above sites are suggested for researching external scholarships. Be cautious of financial aid scams when searching for scholarships and never pay a fee for a scholarship website or application. MMC does not assume liability for information found on external websites.
