Non-Matriculating & Postbaccalaureate Applicants

There are many reasons you may wish to take courses as a non-matriculating student. Maybe you need to complete pre-requisites before applying to graduate school or maybe you need to improve your academic record before matriculating to MMC. Whatever the reason, we welcome you to be part of our community.

Note: Students who previously attended MMC and withdrew must complete the re-admit process. Students originally admitted as a non-matriculating student may be considered for full matriculated status by applying for matriculated status through the Office of Academic Advisement. You may reach the office at 212-517-0568.

Non-Matriculating Student Admission Requirements

  • MMC Application
  • Official copy of high school or secondary school transcript with graduation date posted or Certificate of High School Equivalency
  • Transcripts from any and all accredited post-secondary institutions attended (must be official copy if planning to seek a degree at MMC in a future term)
  • SAT I and/or ACT scores (required only if less than 12 college credits have been completed - MMC code is 2405 for SAT and 2811 for ACT)

Post-baccalaureate Admission Requirements

  • MMC Application
  • Official post-secondary school transcript with graduation date posted
  • Transcripts from any and all accredited post-secondary institutions attended 

Biology Post-Baccalaureate Program

Our biology post-baccalaureate program is designed for college graduates who wish to fulfill science pre-requisites for medical, dental, or other professional programs. 

We offer course sequences appropriate for M.D., D.O., P.A., P.T., R.N., D.V.M., D.D.S., and other allied health programs. A post-baccalaureate curriculum will be tailored for you in consultation with a science faculty member.  

Along with submitting the documents required of all post-baccalaureate students to the Office of Admission, see list above, we ask that you please complete the Biology Post-Baccalaureate Program Interest Form

Audit Student Admission Requirements

  • MMC Application
  • Senior Citizens age 65 or older may audit classes at Marymount Manhattan without providing a high school transcript. To begin this process, please complete the MMC Application (linked above), and contact the Office of Admissions at or (212) 517-0430. Senior Citizens can also audit classes at a discounted rate.

Hunter College Visiting Student Admission Requirements
