Sister Judith Savard Study Abroad Scholarship

In honor and recognition of Judith Savard, RSHM, Marymount Manhattan awards the Sr. Judith Savard Fellowship to an Art or Art History major to study art abroad.  Sr. Judith led classes in art history, studio art, and graphic design, in addition to serving as chair of the Art Department for many years.  The fellowship provides financial assistance for a qualified Art or Art History major to study abroad for the purpose of enriching his or her academic experience.

The eligibility requirements for the Sr. Judith Savard Fellowship are:  Art or Art History major and completion of a minimum of two semesters of full-time study (at least 24 credits) at MMC with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.  If a transfer student, completion of at least one full-time semester at MMC (24 total credits, 12 of which must be from MMC) with a minimum cumulative GPA at MMC of 3.0 is required.  The student must demonstrate financial need according to criteria established by the Financial Aid Office.

The application for the fellowship consists of the first page of the MMC study abroad application, a statement of purpose, an official MMC transcript, and two recommendations from MMC faculty, one of whom must be a member of either the art or art history department.  A copy of the application should be delivered to Martha Sledge, Ph.D. Study Abroad Coordinator and Associate Professor of Literature at .


Meet Kate Cheney

 Kate Cheney ’20, Art History major with minors in Law & Ethics and Business Management, participated in a five- week archaeology program in Cyprus this summer, thanks to the Sister Judith Savard Study Abroad Fellowship.

 “I participated in the Makounta-Voules Archaelogical Project excavating a prehistoric chalcolithic site in Cyprus,” says Cheney. “Participating in a field school provided me with invaluable hands-on experience with archaeology. We were in the field every morning before the sun was up and excavated until the afternoon. The afternoon was then spent washing and sorting our finds from the day. It was beneficial to experience not only hands-on archaeological field work, but also the interaction of archaeology and the local communities.”


Meet Madeleine Arend 

Madeleine Arend  Class of 2019, Major in Art/ Photography; Minors in Art History  and Business, Recipient of the Sr. Judith Savard Study Abroad Fellowship, Summer 2018  

 “My experience studying in Florence, Italy at Studio Arts College International  (SACI) was one of incredible value to both my academic and personal growth. Being able to immerse myself in an unfamiliar way of life, with foreign customs and culture bolstered my sense of confidence and intellectual abilities. This is the first time I’ve gotten the chance to venture abroad, and it’s given me the confidence to continue to journey beyond the familiar. Without the Sister Judith Savard Fellowship, my time abroad would never have been more than a dream.” 

Sr. Judith Savard Sr. Judith Savard “It’s funny how certain people never leave your life, especially people you encounter when you are very young and help you on the way to being the person you want to be or are trying to be…that the small achievements you make are, in part, a testament to that legacy of being impressed by someone.” Ellie Ga, artist, class of 1998, writing about Sister Judith.


“I will always remember Sister Judith as a tough cookie with a warm heart…she taught me that there need not be any pretensions in learning and appreciating art.  She taught me that art can be embraced by all, regardless of socio-economic standing or any categories created to perpetuate a system of exclusivity.” Dianne Morales,’04
