Student Organizations

Fashion Marketing Student Association (FMSA)

FMSA logo FMSA is a student organization dedicated to cultivating and empowering the fashion leaders of the future. The organization is open to all MMC students who have an interest in any aspect of the fashion industry, including but not limited to, marketing, merchandising, production and manufacturing, sustainability and ethics, styling and fashion photography, fashion PR and journalism, and fashion entrepreneurship. 

Faculty Advisor: Lorraine Martinez-Novoa, Ph.D.

For more information, contact 

To learn more about events follow FMSA on Instagram @fmsa.mmc (opens in a new tab)

Marymount Business Association (MBA)

MBA logo

The Marymount Business Association forges a strong connection between MMC students, alumni, and the business community to enhance career and internship opportunities. The MBA aims to enhance students’ skills by offering skills training. Forums, where guest speakers will review their work experience and career advice, will allow students to explore career paths. The MBA will have different themes throughout the year that cater to various interests ranging from entrepreneurship to marketing. 
The MBA will engage its members through invited guest speakers, club fundraisers, community service programs, and excursions to leading companies in NYC.

Faculty Advisor: Vandana Rao, Ph.D.

If you are interested in becoming a member, please sign up on MMC Engage or using the Google form.  For more information  contact: Rebekka Ryan ( MBA officer) at

Spoon University

Spoon University MMC Logo Spoon University is the everyday food resource for our generation, on a mission to make food make sense. The Marymount Manhattan Spoon Chapter promotes food, lifestyle, healthy living, and fun activities to do while in New York City. The organization gives fellow students the ability to share their knowledge of culture, cuisine, and lifestyle with their peers. SpoonMMC is an open community for all food lovers! Visit for news and articles!

Faculty Advisor: Lorraine Martinez-Novoa, Ph.D.

For more information, contact

MMC Investment Club

This club aims to help its members develop a deeper understanding of finance and the economy, build investment skills and conduct research into stocks and other instruments. The club’s activities include sharing and presenting investment ideas, running model portfolios and tracking their performance, playing stock trading games, inviting experts from the industry to share their knowledge, and more in this vein.

Faculty Advisor: Vandana Rao, Ph.D.

Students who are interested in joining this club are welcome to sign up with their contact information in the Google form that follows: Click HERE  and for more information contact Maximas Gomez, Investment Club President at
