Campus Ministry

The Intercultural Center will provide opportunities for the expression of all faith traditions. Central to this is the understanding that religion and spirituality are dimensions of culture.

The Campus Ministry Prayer Room is open to all for prayer, mediation and/or reflection at all times when the Intercultural Center is open.

The Intercultural Center oversees the monthly Holiday Roundup emails. Holiday Roundups are sent out at the beginning of each month and purposed to amplify and acknowledge the different religious and spiritual observances that occur each month. We hope this information adds value and understanding for you this year. Should you want to suggest of an observance to add to our monthly round ups, please feel free to reply to our communications.

Students of all faith traditions are encouraged to form and participate in our religious Registered Student Organizations including Marymount Christian Fellowship and Hillel. Please check with the Office of Student Development and Activities for a complete list of active student organizations.

A few annual events that take place through the Intercultural Center and faith-based RSOs are:

  • Sukkot: Pizza in the Hut
  • Diwali: The Festival of Lights
  • Ash Wednesday: Ash Distribution

Places of Worship

There are many houses of worship in New York City. Below is a list of religious centers in our area.
