Racial Equity Feedback Form - Faculty and Staff

As part of a process of identifying critical issues related to racism and racial equity at MMC, the President’s Task Force for Racial Equity is seeking feedback on your experiences at the college. The information shared will help guide the development of the college’s Racial Equity Action Plan.

Your responses are confidential and will be submitted anonymously.

Please note that any statements shared through this form will not be considered a formal complaint. If you would like to file complaint about a bias incident, you can do so here.

All fields marked with asterisk (*) are required.

header field


checkbox field
What is your MMC Affilitation?
radio button field
How long have you been employed at MMC?
radio button field
What is your employment level?
checkbox field
How do you racially identify?
radio button field
How do you identify your sexual orientation?
radio button field
What is your gender/gender identity?
text field
horizontal_line field
required radio button field
Have you personally experienced racism at MMC?*
required radio button field
Have you witnessed racism occur at MMC?*
required radio button field
Have you experienced racial microagressions at MMC?*
textarea field
textarea field
textarea field
textarea field
textarea field