The fall 2019 seminar, NYC: United Nations, seeks to embed first year students into the complexity of the United Nations, and begin to prepare them for MMC’s UN Professional Immersion opportunities later in their undergraduate careers.
During the months of October and November, Andreas Hernandez, Ph.D., Associate Professor of International Studies, and students enrolled in his fall 2019 NYC seminar, will visit the United Nations headquarters every other week for briefings with senior UN officials on on a variety of topics. The class’s first meeting focused on the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, and further visits will include discussions on UN Women, refugees, and a “Day in the Life at the UN”. The final part of the course will be a Model UN program based on the current crisis at the Turkey/Syria Border.
It’s a win for MMC! Though our Model UN Team only recently made its debut—President Avery Lauren Thomas ’25, Vice President Isaac Smith ’25, and Secretary Hannah Adames ’26 established the group this semester—that didn’t stop them from competing in the prestigious National Model UN New York Conference in April and scoring an honorable mention award.