History Professor Lauren Brown Presents at New Monuments Conference in Paris, France

Lauren Erin Brown, Ph.D., associate professor of History and Politics & Human Rights, gave a presentation about her HIST-307: Monumental Debates course at a two-day symposium held in Paris.

The conference, New Monuments: Iconoclasm, Reenactments, and Alternative Commemorations in the U.S. since 2000, took place in the spring. It was sponsored by the Terra Foundation for American Art and hosted by Institut National D’Histoire de L’art (INHA).

HIST-307: Monumental Debates, developed by Dr. Brown in 2020, focuses on the origins and progression of the debate surrounding Confederate monuments in the United States. Beginning in the Civil War, moving through the Civil Rights Movement, and continuing today, the class helps students understand these debates in a domestic and global context.

Dr. Brown has characterized the course as “a unique pedagogical blend of public history, cultural policy, and place-based learning” and said she was proud of the curriculum she’s designed. “Through field trips, observations, research projects, and proposals, [the curriculum] ultimately asks students to consider the work history does in modern lives, how ‘doing history’ provides evidence to support proposed solutions or advocacy, and how critical an accurate sense of history is to function as a civil society,” she said.

Congratulations, Dr. Brown!

Published: May 28, 2024