Chelsea Gentile ’13


Chelsea graduated from MMC in 2013 and went on to receive her Master’s in Communication and Entertainment Management from the University of Southern California in 2015. She is the senior manager of the Creative Services division at Live Nation. Previously, she served as an art coordinator for Warner Music Group and creative coordinator for Madison + Vine. While at MMC, she was a writer and editor for MMC’s The Monitor.


Gentile earned her Master’s degree in Communication Management on the Entertainment career track at USC’s Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism. “Upon entering my program at USC, I quickly realized just how prepared I was to take on the communication field at the graduate level. MMC’s Communication Arts department is up to speed on the latest knowledge and experience required of a communication professional. Additionally, I reaped significant benefits from studying at a small undergraduate institution because I had constant access to faculty members for any of my needs, from advice to internship connections. I am so grateful to Marymount Manhattan’s Communication Arts department faculty for providing me with unparalleled knowledge of the field. I would have never pursued a prestigious master’s degree program without my positive, fulfilling, and enriching experience at Marymount Manhattan College.”