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MMC Students Help Expand Access to Valuable Historical Documents

Like most history majors, Alexa Ramirez ’25 and Spencer Dias ’25 have spent hours combing through JSTOR while working on class assignments; the digital archive of journals, books, reports, and primary sources is an indispensable tool for research. But, thanks to a semester-long internship made possible by MMC, the two got to experience a different side of the platform this spring—and went from studying history to expanding access to it by making previously unpublished historical documents available in the JSTOR library.

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  • <div class="feature alumni"> <div class="feature__media"> <picture class="lw_image"> <source type="image/webp" media="(max-width: 500px)" srcset="/live/image/gid/102/width/500/height/500/crop/1/src_region/0,0,1008,756/20564_Baxter_Kiah_2.rev.1550082195.webp 1x, /live/image/scale/2x/gid/102/width/500/height/500/crop/1/src_region/0,0,1008,756/20564_Baxter_Kiah_2.rev.1550082195.webp 2x"/> <source type="image/webp" media="(min-width: 501px)" srcset="/live/image/gid/102/width/800/height/800/crop/1/src_region/0,0,1008,756/20564_Baxter_Kiah_2.rev.1550082195.webp 1x"/> <source type="image/jpeg" media="(max-width: 500px)" srcset="/live/image/gid/102/width/500/height/500/crop/1/src_region/0,0,1008,756/20564_Baxter_Kiah_2.rev.1550082195.jpg 1x, /live/image/scale/2x/gid/102/width/500/height/500/crop/1/src_region/0,0,1008,756/20564_Baxter_Kiah_2.rev.1550082195.jpg 2x"/> <source type="image/jpeg" media="(min-width: 501px)" srcset="/live/image/gid/102/width/800/height/800/crop/1/src_region/0,0,1008,756/20564_Baxter_Kiah_2.rev.1550082195.jpg 1x"/> <img src="/live/image/gid/102/width/800/height/800/crop/1/src_region/0,0,1008,756/20564_Baxter_Kiah_2.rev.1550082195.jpg" alt="" width="800" height="800" data-max-w="1008" data-max-h="756" loading="lazy"/> </picture> </div> <div class="feature__text"> <h2 class="h3"> <a href="/live/news/2949-master-of-divinity-catching-up-with-kiah-baxter-16">Master of Divinity: Catching Up with Kiah Baxter ’16</a> </h2> <hr class="feature__hr"/> <div class="feature__summary"> After graduating from MMC in 2016, Religious Studies minor Kiah Baxter knew that graduate studies would be part of her near future. Now three years later, she’ll soon earn her Masters of Divinity from the prestigious Union Theological Seminary with a concentration in Theology and the Arts. </div> </div> </div>
  • <div class="feature "> <div class="feature__media"> <picture class="lw_image"> <source type="image/webp" media="(max-width: 500px)" srcset="/live/image/gid/96/width/500/height/500/crop/1/src_region/0,0,1242,868/30035_Gala_2.rev.1706712362.JPG 1x, /live/image/scale/2x/gid/96/width/500/height/500/crop/1/src_region/0,0,1242,868/30035_Gala_2.rev.1706712362.JPG 2x"/> <source type="image/webp" media="(min-width: 501px)" srcset="/live/image/gid/96/width/800/height/800/crop/1/src_region/0,0,1242,868/30035_Gala_2.rev.1706712362.JPG 1x"/> <source type="image/jpeg" media="(max-width: 500px)" srcset="/live/image/gid/96/width/500/height/500/crop/1/src_region/0,0,1242,868/30035_Gala_2.rev.1706712362.JPG 1x, /live/image/scale/2x/gid/96/width/500/height/500/crop/1/src_region/0,0,1242,868/30035_Gala_2.rev.1706712362.JPG 2x"/> <source type="image/jpeg" media="(min-width: 501px)" srcset="/live/image/gid/96/width/800/height/800/crop/1/src_region/0,0,1242,868/30035_Gala_2.rev.1706712362.JPG 1x"/> <img src="/live/image/gid/96/width/800/height/800/crop/1/src_region/0,0,1242,868/30035_Gala_2.rev.1706712362.JPG" alt="" width="800" height="800" data-max-w="1242" data-max-h="868" loading="lazy"/> </picture> </div> <div class="feature__text"> <h2 class="h3"> <a href="/live/news/4772-photo-gallery-friends-of-dance">Photo Gallery: Friends of Dance</a> </h2> <hr class="feature__hr"/> <div class="feature__summary"> <p> <span class="ui-provider ed avq avr avs avt avu avv avw avx avy avz awa awb awc awd awe awf awg awh awi awj awk awl awm awn awo awp awq awr aws awt awu awv aww awx" dir="ltr">On January 25, MMC’s Dance Advisory Board hosted its annual Friends of Dance event, which celebrates the College’s world-class Dance program and treats supporters to an electrifying presentation by the Marymount Manhattan College Dance Company. Check out these images from the reception and <a class="fui-Link ___1rxvrpe f2hkw1w f3rmtva f1ewtqcl fyind8e f1k6fduh f1w7gpdv fk6fouc fjoy568 figsok6 f1hu3pq6 f11qmguv f19f4twv f1tyq0we f1g0x7ka fhxju0i f1qch9an f1cnd47f fqv5qza f1vmzxwi f1o700av f13mvf36 f1cmlufx f9n3di6 f1ids18y f1tx3yz7 f1deo86v f1eh06m1 f1iescvh fhgqx19 f1olyrje f1p93eir f1nev41a f1h8hb77 f1lqvz6u f10aw75t fsle3fq f17ae5zn" title="" href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" aria-label="Link visit our website">visit the Dance Department webpage</a> for more information.<br/><br/><br/><br/></span> </p> </div> </div> </div>
  • <div class="feature theatre-arts-major"> <div class="feature__media"> <picture class="lw_image"> <source type="image/webp" media="(max-width: 500px)" srcset="/live/image/gid/95/width/500/height/500/crop/1/src_region/0,0,500,692/24664_Kiley_Reid.rev.1595879986.webp 1x"/> <source type="image/webp" media="(min-width: 501px)" srcset="/live/image/gid/95/width/800/height/800/crop/1/src_region/0,0,500,692/24664_Kiley_Reid.rev.1595879986.webp 1x"/> <source type="image/jpeg" media="(max-width: 500px)" srcset="/live/image/gid/95/width/500/height/500/crop/1/src_region/0,0,500,692/24664_Kiley_Reid.rev.1595879986.jpg 1x"/> <source type="image/jpeg" media="(min-width: 501px)" srcset="/live/image/gid/95/width/800/height/800/crop/1/src_region/0,0,500,692/24664_Kiley_Reid.rev.1595879986.jpg 1x"/> <img src="/live/image/gid/95/width/800/height/800/crop/1/src_region/0,0,500,692/24664_Kiley_Reid.rev.1595879986.jpg" alt="Kiley Reid '10" width="800" height="800" data-max-w="500" data-max-h="692" loading="lazy"/> </picture> </div> <div class="feature__text"> <h2 class="h3"> <a href="">Alumna Kiley Reid ’10 Interviewed on Bestselling Novel</a> </h2> <hr class="feature__hr"/> <div class="feature__summary"> Reid ’10, who graduated from MMC with a <a href="">BFA in Acting</a> and a minor in <a href="">Religious Studies</a>, spoke with <em><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">The Daily Iowan</a></em> on her path to becoming a <em>New York Times</em> bestseller and the experiences that influenced her novel, <em><a href="">Such a Fun Age</a>.</em></div> </div> </div>


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