Documentation Guidelines for the Testing Professional
The student with a learning disability who is applying to the Academic Access Program must submit a comprehensive neuropsychological or psychoeducational evaluation that gives clear and specific evidence of the disability, states a diagnosis, and specifies limitations on academic functioning in the diagnostic summary statement. Do not submit IEPs. They are not considered documentation. Learning weaknesses or differences do not constitute a learning disability. Test results should include scaled or standard scores and percentiles. The assessment must be no more than 3 years old, be made by a certified and/or licensed professional, and include the following:
Aptitude Testing: Accepted Measures:
Report must include full scale and subtest scores and percentiles.
- Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale- (WAIS-R) or (WAIS-III)
- The Stanford Binet Intelligence Scale: 5th Edition.
The Woodcock Johnson Tests of Cognitive Ability are not accepted as a substitute.
Achievement Testing
Current levels of functioning in reading, mathematics calculation and reasoning, and written language are required. Select from the following acceptable measures
- Woodcock Johnson Psychoeducational Battery
- Tests of Achievement Wechsler Individual Achievement Test (WIAT)
- Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests - Revised
- Test of Written Language (TOWL -3)
- Stanford Test of Academic Skills
- The Nelson-Denny Reading Skills Tests *
- Stanford Diagnostic Mathematics Tests
Language Functioning
Tests of receptive and expressive vocabulary such as:
- PPVT (Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test)
- Boston Naming Test or Test of Adolescent/Adult Word Finding
- CELF - (Clinical Evaluation of Language Functioning)
- TOAL - Test of Adolescent and Adult Language)
- WRAML - (Wide Range Assessment of Learning
- WIIG SEMEL - (Test of Semantic Relationships
- MENYUK - (Test of Semantic Comprehension)
Information Processing
Specific areas of information processing (e.g., short-and-long-term memory; sequential memory; auditory and visual perception/processing; processing speed) must be assessed. Information from subtests on the WAIS-III, the Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Cognitive Ability, or the Detroit Tests of Learning Aptitude (DTLA) may be used.
- Executive Functioning and Attention
History and observations during testing should include remarks about executive functioning and attention. Executive functioning represents the allocation of cognitive resources that allows the individual to organize, plan, and problem-solve. Difficulties with task completion and short and long-term memory for academic and life tasks indicate a need to screen for attentional difficulties. Suggested measures for Executive Functioning: Wisconsin Card Sort, Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Task. Suggested screening measures for attention: Connors’ Adult ADHD Rating Scales (CAARS);or Brown ADD Scales (Adult).
The evaluation must interpret the results of the testing, clearly state their impact on the student’s academic performance, and give a diagnosis. The report must offer recommendations about accommodations and support services required for success in college. Note: Evaluations must be typed, not handwritten, and copies must be legible.
Questions About Testing and Documentation
Applicants and parents are not responsible for selecting an appropriate test battery. Testing professionals should be given a copy of these documentation guidelines, which may be printed out from this website. Diagnosticians may call 212-774-0719 for answers to any questions concerning testing.
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
For the Diagnosing Professional
Students with diagnosed Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder can obtain services from the Program for Academic Access. In order to be eligible for these services, complete and current documentation of the disorder must be provided by a licensed physician, psychiatrist, or psychologist.
In order for documentation to be accepted as complete, each of the following items must be included in addition to a complete, separate psychoeducational evaluation. (See Documentation Guidelines for Learning Disability)
The guidelines below should be shared with your doctor. If you have other questions, contact Lauren Kilian, Director of Academic Access and Disability Services at 212-774-0719.
- Diagnosis and corresponding DSM-V Code with date of diagnosis.
- Date and nature of last contact with student.
- Specific information regarding the instruments and assessments procedures utilized in the evaluation and the results of these assessments.
- A description of current manifestations of symptoms which meet the criteria for this diagnosis
- Statement of impact and limitations on student’s academic performance
- Information regarding current medications, dosage and frequency.
- The diagnosing doctor’s name, title, address, phone number, license number, and signature.