Undeclared Students

Marymount Manhattan’s Undeclared major is designed for students who are undecided about their major. The ultimate goal of the program is to guide students through the process of self-discovery and encourage students to consider their passions, interests, and dreams. With the support of an academic advisor, students determine how their passions and interests align with majors and careers.

Exploration represents a core attribute our Undeclared major. Students must experience a range of academic fields and disciplines in order to determine the best major for them.  As a liberal arts college, Marymount Manhattan’s General Education curriculum promotes such exploration.  By completing required General Education courses and elective courses, students will be introduced to potential majors.  In general, undeclared students strategically plan their classes to best fit their needs for exploration and degree completion. It is also a great opportunity to explore what each department has to offer and get to know yourself in the process.  Allow yourself to find YOUR best fit.

Checklist for Undeclared Students

  1. Use your general education requirements and electives to explore disciplines you are interested in.
  2. Make sure you know the deadline to declare a major.  You are required to declare a major once you have earned 60 credits. 
  3. Talk to your faculty advisor or a Student Success Advisor to help you determine your major.

For more information visit MMC’s Academic Catalog


If you have any questions about the Undeclared major, please contact:

Anthony Vigliano



Lower-Level Nugent Hall

Monday - Friday: 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.

Office hours

Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm

Office of Student Success Advising


(212) 517-0568

Lower-Level, Nugent Hall