Center for Academic Support & Tutoring

Your success is our priority. 

The Center for Academic Support and Tutoring (CAST) is a one-on-one tutoring service that provides exceptional academic support to all Marymount students. Our tutoring program offers courses in college skills and administers placement exams for eligible incoming students. Our highly qualified and experienced tutors are committed to helping students succeed. Professional tutors hold advanced degrees, and peer tutors are top students recommended by faculty. 

Stop by the Center for more details on how we can help you make the most of your MMC experience!

We provide support services for the entire MMC community on campus. We also provide a variety of online tutoring services at

If you are looking for a way to improve your academic performance, one-on-one tutoring with CAST is a great option. Contact us today to learn more about our services at

To make an appointment, sign up and log in to WC Online. Click below to access the CAST appointment scheduler.

make an appointment   CAST Study Skills Handbook