Understanding Your Bill

Balance Forward

To the right of your invoice you will find a balance forward. This may be zero, meaning you have no charges or credits from the prior semester. A positive number indicates the amount you still owe from the previous period and a negative number indicates a credit balance (overpayment). Charges and credits will be added to and subtracted from this amount.


The following will appear as charges on your invoice:

Tuition for undergraduate full-time students is charged a flat rate per semester. This flat rate entitles them to register for 12-16 credits per semester. Students registering for more than 16 credits per semester will be charged the flat rate and then a per credit rate called ‘overload” for each credit above 16 credits. Special instructional (lab) fees may apply to certain courses.

Room and Board: Charges for campus housing and dining dollars are per semester. For changes to housing contact Residence Life at 212-774-0740 and confirm any changes with the Center for Student Services. All students residing on campus are required to participate in the Dining Dollar program. Contact Residence Life with questions about the plan. For food-related questions regarding your dining dollars, please contact Food Services at 212-517-0554.

Fees: All students are charged a standard fee (F/T or P/T). Certain courses carry additional lab or course fees that are noted in the semester class bulletin next to each course section. Lab fees are non-refundable once the semester begins. Incoming students are charged an Orientation fee. Students in the Performing Arts are charged a Special Program Fee. If you register after the initial registration period a late registration fee will apply. A Program Change fee is charged for any changes made to your schedule after the add/drop period ends.

Student Health Insurance is required for all full-time students. Students are automatically enrolled in the College-sponsored health insurance plan but may opt-out by demonstrating that they have sufficient alternative coverage. All international students are required to maintain the College-sponsored plan. Please call Counseling and Wellness at 212-774-0700 for further information.

Graduation Fee: A non-refundable fee charged to all students graduating.

Pending Aid

As a courtesy, loans, scholarships, and grants will be listed as pending aid on your invoice. This anticipated amount is then subtracted from your charges so you are only obligated to pay the difference, which is due by the payment deadline. PLEASE NOTE that if for any reason you are not eligible or do not receive these expected funds, you will be responsible to pay the total amount due. If your pending financial aid appears as an overpayment on your billing invoice, you will not be able to get a refund of those funds until we have actually received them. If you are borrowing extra money, be advised that you will not be able to access the extra funds until they are received and an actual credit balance appears on your billing account.

Although Federal Work-Study is listed on your award letter, it will not appear on your invoice as pending aid. Federal Work-Study students receive a paycheck for their work.

Once the anticipated funds are received, your invoice will no longer list them as ‘Pending Aid’. These amounts will appear as ‘financial aid transmitted’. If the credits result in an overpayment refunds will be issued automatically. 


Credits will appear on your invoice as follows:

Payments will be listed on the right side of your invoice. Payments can be made in the form of cash, check, money order, or credit card (Amex, M/C, Visa or Discover). Please mail checks or money order payments to:

Marymount Manhattan College
221 E 71 st St
New York, NY 10021
Attn: Center for Student Services.

Payments can also be made through the internet using our Payment Options page.

Payment Due

This is the amount you will need to pay by the payment due date in order to avoid a non-refundable late payment fee. You may elect to arrange a monthly payment plan for this amount through the Student Account Suite. Parents/Guardians wishing to enroll in a payment plan can do so through our website at www.mmm.edu via the Parent Portal. 

It is the student’s responsibility to review the invoice for accuracy, including anticipated financial aid awards, housing, and registration charges. Please notify the Center for Student Services to address any questions.

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