Department of Auxiliary Services

The Regina Peruggi Room in Carson Hall is the perfect spot on campus for gatherings, lectures, an... The Regina Peruggi Room in Carson Hall is the perfect spot on campus for gatherings, lectures, and festivities.

Space at Marymount Manhattan College is available for rent throughout the year.  

Event requests are subject to availability with Academic and College-sponsored events taking priority.  All outside events must keep with the College’s mission and are subject to fees as outlined in the space usage agreement.  All space rental requests and related questions should be directed to the Department of Auxiliary Services.

Space Rentals     Astra Scheduler     School Store - Griffin Gear

Space Request Form

To inquire about space availability, please complete the form below.

Please note that no space inquiries are taken over the phone; they will only be reviewed via this request form.

All fields marked with asterisk (*) are required.

required text field
required text field
required text field
required e-mail address field
required text field
required select menu field
Please select the room or rooms you would like to request for your event. Use ctrl + click to select more than one.
required date field
required text field
Please list the start & end time of your event.
required text field
Please list additional time needed to set-up and breakdown for your event.
text field
Please list 1-2 alternate date options for your event.
required text field
required textarea field
text field
Will your event require Catering? All Catering must be ordered through our on-campus Dining Service Provider, Chartwells.
text field
Please include any additional information for us to better understand your event needs.
file attachment field
Please attach your organization's 501c3 form.
(50 MB max)
