Griffin Tech Program

The MMC Griffin Tech program is an exciting, new pilot program being launched to give our dedicated faculty a new and improved resource for their everyday technological needs. 

Staffed by professionally-minded students, the Griffin Tech program will strive not only to provide an enhanced technology resource to faculty, but will serve as a training ground for students with technology-driven experience and aspirations.

Services that may be requested of a Griffin Tech (GT) may include:

  • Converting documents, course resources, and other assets to online formats
  • Converting assets and files to other file types
  • Assistance with creating powerpoint presentations for course lectures and presentations
  • Converting videos to formats readily accepted by online video streaming services such as YouTube and Vimeo
  • Assistance using faculty and course-related resources and applications, such as blackboard or Microsoft office
  • Creating and/or editing videos for use in the classroom and as course-related resources (please note: Griffin Techs will not assist with any video needs for the public MMC website or MMC social media channels)
  • Use of Zoom Video Conference Technology 

To request the aid of a Griffin Tech, please contact the Information Technology Help Desk at ext. 580 or fill out the form to the right to place a request.

Information for Faculty

Any full or part-time MMC faculty member may request a project for the review of the Griffin Tech team. Although all projects may not be the right fit for the GT program, we will consider all requests and attempt to find a solution to your issue or request. While Griffin Techs are available at no cost for faculty at MMC, any items or technology needed (i.e. writeable discs, hardware and applications, etc.) for your specific project will be at the expense of your department’s budget.

Please note: although the student GTs should be considered consummate professionals, they are only permitted to work on projects during their designated working hours. Student techs are additionally unavailable during finals or semester breaks. Requests should never be made directly to a GT student, but rather to the IT Help Desk. We ask that you please respect the time and the independence of our GT students.

Information for Students

The success of the Griffin Tech program hinges on the support and enthusiasm of our GT students. This is an opportunity for you, the student, to cultivate relationships with faculty across campus while developing your skills in technology. In return, we offer you mentorships with our professional technology staff, access to resources from the Office of Information Technology, and, of course, a paycheck.

Although we do seek students with experience in technology, a basic understanding of technological principles with a desire to learn more and to work in a collaborative, hands-on environment are the only major pre-requisites for the program. A few areas in which we will be looking for basic-level insight may include:

  • The Microsoft Office suite
  • Web browsers and Mac/Windows OS
  • The Adobe Creative Suite
  • A responsible and communicative professional manner

Students are able to check out laptops from the library.

Please note: Performance is key to staying in the Griffin Tech program. The Griffin Tech Manager will maintain constant communication with faculty, assessing their experiences with the GT students. If any issues arise, such as late arrivals or failure to deliver on assigned projects, you will be asked to leave the GT program.

If you are interested in joining the Griffin Tech program as a student tech, we invite you to contact the GT program manager at (212) 517-0580 such that we can schedule an interview. We expect the popularity of the GT program to be palpable, so we ask that you contact us as soon as possible. Most of our hiring will take place during the two weeks prior to the beginning of the Fall 2015 semester. If you do not move into a residence hall or other off-campus housing option until the start of the Fall 2015 semester, we are able to offer phone interviews by special request.
