End User Quick Start Guide
Set Up Your User Profile
Your user profile is organized into several sections. You will always see your Profile, Change Password, and Recent Activity sections.
Access Your Apps
Once you log in, you can quickly and easily access all MMC applications that are available
to you. You can view and access apps from your Portal.
Add/Install browser extension (Windows)
Add/Install browser extension (Mac)
OneLogin automatically prompts you to install the extension if you try to sign into an app
that requires it or if you log into OneLogin via the URL in a browser that doesn’t have
the extension. On personal MS Windows devices and personal devices on Mac Safari, browser extensions can easily be added by clicking on this link after login: https://mmcny.onelogin.com/profile2/browser_extension
then click on the checkbox: “Show Add App button…”, then click “Save Changes” button.
Install OneLogin Portal on Apple Mobile Devices
You can conveniently install the OneLogin Portal App on the latest iOS mobile operating system (this is only for Apple Mobile Devices, the App for Android Mobile Devices is currently in development).
Sign In and Change Your Password
You can change or reset your password easily in OneLogin.
Register for MFA
How to add Authentication Factors in your OneLogin Profile for MFA
After MFA is enforced, you’ll be prompted to register MFA (sometimes called 2-factor authentication) before you are granted access to your app portal.