Conference calls using Zoom and Microsoft Office Teams

There are several options available to you, including Zoom, Microsoft Office Teams, and Free Conference Calls. 


Zoom is a video-conferencing platform that enables you to interact remotely with your colleagues in real-time. There is no limit on the number of individuals who can be using Zoom at any one time. However, each session is limited to 40 minutes in duration unless you have a Pro account.

If your team does not have a Zoom account, you can sign up for a free account at When you sign up, please make sure you use your MMC email to create the account so IT can provide support.

If you have a need to use Zoom Pro for meetings longer than your existing software will allow, please reach out to your supervisor further instructions.

The Library Guide resource below, and this file, can provide guidance to you in setting up your account.

Below are links to online training resources for setting up a Zoom session to deliver instruction directly to students:

Can I Initiate a Meeting from Outlook?
Yes. You will need to download the Zoom Pl ugin for Outlook. Please click here for instructions.


Microsoft Office Teams

You can use Microsoft Office Teams to have calls with other members of Marymount Manhattan Community.

To create a “Team” for your department, please email

After IT has authorized your “Team” account, please see guidance for how to utilize Teams for internal team meeting at


Free Conference Calls

Set up a free conference call using the instructions in the this document .
