News from the Library

Check out interesting updates and news stories from the library below:


Celebrating Women’s History Month

The Library kicks off Women’s History Month with a display of books by MMC faculty.

1. Embodied Texts: Symbolist Playwright-Dancer Collaborations by Mary Fleischer

2. Sensational Devotion: Evangelical Performance in Twenty-First-Century America by Jill Stevenson

3. Movement for Actors by Mary Fleischer and Barbara Adrian

4. Under Confucian Eyes : Writing on Gender in Chinese History by Yu- Yin Cheng

5. Race and the Making of American Political Science by Jessica Blatt

6. Understanding Language Use in the Classroom: A Linguistic Guide for College Educators by Susan J. Behrens

7. Edible Ideologies: Representing Food & Meaning by Kathleen LeBesco and Peter Naccarato

8. Revolting Bodies? The Struggle to Redefine Fat Identity by Kathleen LeBesco

9. Communication, Advocacy, and Work-Family Balance by Jenny Dixon










