Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan

As a small liberal arts college in one of the most diverse cities in the world, Marymount Manhattan College recognizes that promoting diversity and inclusion is integral in higher education. Inherent in the mission of our college is the goal of educating a socially and economically diverse student body. As we become increasingly diverse as a nation, so will higher education institutions. We must be prepared to support the shift in demographics among our student body and the workforce who will be guiding them. As we envision a college that is accessible and a community for all, it is imperative to develop and implement equitable practices in order to achieve this.


Our commitment to diversity and inclusion, which is highlighted in Marymount Manhattan’s Strategic Plan, Contemporary and Compelling: Envisioning MMC’s Future, requires us to create a path that achieves specific goals and develops measurable outcomes. As we work towards our vision of being the nation’s premier destination for students seeking a contemporary and compelling small-college experience in the heart of New York City, developing a common purpose and commitment to equitable practices is imperative for it to be fulfilled. We must be intentional in our approach in developing a college where all members feel welcome, valued and respected. The Globalism Unification Inclusion Diversity and Equity (G.U.I.D.E.) Plan focuses on four areas of priority for the college to implement within a 5 year time frame. The President’s Council on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion will oversee implementation of this strategic plan.

The collaborative work has resulted in the 4 strategic priorities for the college:

  • Goal #1: Improve the diversity of the Marymount Manhattan College community.
  • Goal #2: Cultivate an inclusive campus environment for members of the MMC and surrounding community.
  • Goal #3: Enhance learning and professional development opportunities focused on diversity and inclusion.
  • Goal #4: Improve accountability around diversity initiatives, practices and policies.

Goal #1

Improve the diversity of the Marymount Manhattan College community

Objective A: Improve recruitment and hiring of faculty and staff from historically underrepresented groups and those underrepresented at MMC.
Strategy 1: Assess and enhance the way we identify, recruit, admit, hire and retain faculty and staff from historically underrepresented groups and those underrepresented at MMC.
  1. Develop outreach plan that involves connecting with local community based organizations and affinity group
  2. Foster relationships with universities that graduate a high number of doctoral students from historically underrepresented group
  3. Develop language throughout Human Resources website and job postings that identifies diversity, inclusion and social equity as a college-wide priority
  4. Develop policies and procedures for search committees to most effectively recruit candidates from historically underrepresented groups and make information easily available
  5. Continue to provide implicit bias training for faculty search committee members
  6. Meet with faculty search committee chairs to develop strategy for searches
  7. Develop Inclusion Advocates Program for trained faculty to serve a formal role on search committees
Objective B: Improve retention of faculty and staff from historically underrepresented groups.

Strategy 1: Identify, develop, and enhance programs and practices that support the success and retention of faculty and staff from historically underrepresented groups and those underrepresented at MMC.

  1. Collect data on staff and faculty racial, ethnic and gender demographics
  2. Develop employee resource groups to unite individuals with common interest in community building, mentorship and professional development
  3. Develop staff and faculty mentoring programs
Objective C: Improve recruitment and enrollment of students from historically underrepresented groups and those underrepresented at MMC.
Strategy 1: Assess and enhance the way we identify, recruit and admit students from historically underrepresented groups and those underrepresented at MMC.
  1. Provide diversity education to staff involved in recruitment of incoming students
  2. Expand recruitment efforts to countries, schools and organizations that serve populations who are historically underrepresented in higher education and at MMC
  3. Leverage MMC’s identification as an Emerging Hispanic Serving Institution
  4. Become an Associate Member Institution (AMI) through HACU
  5. Expand availability of marketing materials in languages other than English especially for Spanish speaking population
  6. Create a multicultural recruiting program inviting students from historically underrepresented backgrounds onto campus
  7. Assess the needs specific to international students and develop plans to institutionally support this population
  8. Secure external funding opportunities to support financially underserved students
Objective D: Improve retention of students from underrepresented groups.
Strategy 1: Identify, develop, and enhance programs aimed at retention, support, and success for students from historically underrepresented groups and those underrepresented at MMC.
  1. Develop a First Generation Program to support the needs of this population
  2. Assess existing policies that may produce unintended consequences to academic progress and achievement of underrepresented students and provide recommendations to update such policies

Goal #2

Cultivate an inclusive campus environment for members of the MMC and surrounding community.

Objective A: Provide opportunities for engagement and dialogue along social issues.
Strategy 1: Increase program offerings, resources and initiatives focused on diversity and inclusion.
  1. Obtain funding to invite notable speakers and events focused on diversity, global engagement and social justice to the College
  2. Develop monthly Diversity Brown Bag lunch series between students and faculty
  3. Develop 3 credit intergroup dialogue course beginning with a co-curricular program entitled MMC D.A.R.E. (Discussions Across Racial Experiences)
  4. Create an Office of Multicultural Affairs and hire a full time Director of Multicultural Affairs
  5. Expand outreach to and engagement of alumni from underrepresented groups
Objective B: Enhance messaging throughout college that demonstrates commitment to diversity and inclusion.
Strategy 1: Establish key messaging and shared understanding of equity, diversity and inclusion.
  1. Post DEI inclusivity statement in materials throughout campus and present during events
  2. Encourage the inclusion of diversity and disability statements on course syllabi and encourage faculty to promote it at the beginning of class
  3. Distribute diversity annual report college wide
  4. Adopt a formal land acknowledgement statement to be presented at the start of events
Strategy 2: Enhance web presence and marketing materials
  1. Develop diversity timeline on website
  2. Develop and enhance print materials with a focus on diversity and inclusion
Strategy 3: Recognize and reward individuals, offices, and organizations that enhance and contribute to diversity goals.
  1. Present diversity award to a selected faculty and staff member each year

Goal #3

Enhance learning and professional development opportunities focused on diversity and inclusion.

Objective A: Enhance diversity education, experiences, and support for students.
Strategy 1: Provide regular and consistent diversity workshops for key audiences.
  1. Provide training to MMC 101 Instructors in order to integrate diversity education into seminars
  2. Develop co-curricular series of education resulting in certification
Strategy 2: Evaluate diversity education within coursework and co-curricular experiences.
  1. Request that curriculum committees review current degree requirements and determine where diversity and inclusion can be embedded into current courses or developed through new courses
 Objective B: Enhance diversity education, experiences, and support for faculty and staff.
Strategy 1: Provide regular and consistent diversity workshops for key audiences.
  1. Review onboarding process for new faculty and staff and ensure all new members are aware of opportunities for diversity and inclusion involvement as well as guidelines to report bias incidents
  2. Expand workshop and training offerings to staff on topics of diversity and inclusion
  3. Develop inclusive training and education specific to part time faculty
  4. Work with the Center for Teaching and Innovative Excellence (C-TIE) to provide annual professional development for faculty
  5. Develop MMC R.E.A.D.S. (Racial Equity And Dialogue Series) for faculty and staff to engage in critical discussions about racial equity
  6. Develop further education on ADA and ability concerns on our campus

Goal #4

Improve accountability around diversity initiatives, practices and policies.

Objective A. Increase college wide focus on diversity and inclusion
Strategy 1: Monitor progress of goals to promote inclusive environment
  1. Require that all administrative and academic divisions report on efforts to advance and support diversity and inclusion in their areas
  2. Establish diversity and inclusion as a key assessment area in the annual performance evaluation for staff
  3. Assess diversity campus climate during exit interviews
  4. Continue to administer campus diversity and equity climate survey biennially beginning in Spring 2020
  5. Assess NSSE results specific to experiences around diversity
  6. Collect and report qualitative and quantitative information about student success, retention and graduation by race/ethnicity, gender, age, nationality, and Pell Grant status


The Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Strategic Planning Team was formed in September 2018. The team is made up of students, faculty, and administrators. They include:

  • Brenelle Braganza, ’19, alumna
  • Bree Bullingham, Associate Vice President for Human Resources
  • Christian Andrade, Dean of Admission
  • Desiree Sholes, Executive Coordinator, Office of the President
  • Jill Stevenson, Professor of Theatre Arts and President of the Faculty Council 
  • Michael Salmon, Assistant Vice President and Dean of the Center for Academic Excellence
  • Rebecca Mattis-Pinard, Chief Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Officer
  • Romello Rodriguez ’19, alumnus
  • Sarah Nelson-Wright, Assistant Professor of Communication and Media Arts
