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To obtain permission to study abroad you must have:
*completed at least 12 credits (one semester full time) at MMC at the time of application to study abroad.
*earned a cumulative MMC GPA of 2.8. Check this on MMC Connect.
*declared a major.
Deadlines for initial application submission are as follows:
Jan term and Spring semester - November 1st
Summer sessions and Fall semester - April 1st
This form initiates your application as well as starts the eligibility verification process. Following verification and approval, you will work with the Study Abroad Coordinator, Academic Adviser, and Faculty Advisor to finalize your Study Abroad program plan and receive course pre-approvals.
By submitting this form, you are agreeing to the Acknowledgement and Assumption of Risk, Waiver, and Release found below.
All fields marked with asterisk (*) are required.