Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund

MMC was awarded a total of $8,829,718 from the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF), which consists of HEERF I, II, and III grants. The HEERF grants are divided into two categories: Student Award and Institutional Award. 

  Student Award Institutional Award Total
HEERF I $850,721 $850,720 $1,701,441
HEERF II $850,721 $1,724,533 $2,575,254
HEERF III $2,276,512 $2,276,511 $4,553,023
TOTAL $3,977,954 $4,851,764 $8,829,718

The HEERF Student Award total of $3,977,954 was distributed to students in the form of emergency grants to assist with unexpected expenses related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The HEERF Institutional Award total of $4,851,764 was used as follows:

- Subsidizing off‐campus housing costs due to dormitory closures or decisions to limit housing to one student per room.
- Subsidizing housing costs to reduce housing density.
- Paying for hotels or other off‐campus housing for students who needed to be isolated.
- Paying travel expenses for students who needed to leave campus early due to coronavirus infections.

- Purchase additional equipment and software to enable distance learning.

- Revenues related to tuition and fees that the College projected but were reduced or eliminated as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Frequently Asked Questions

HEERF Reports

HEERF - Student Award


HEERF - Institutional Award
