The Monitor
MMC’s The Monitor is the entirely student-run newspaper of
Marymount Manhattan College.
What is The Monitor?
The Monitor is Marymount Manhattan College’s student-run newspaper that releases new issues bi-weekly. We focus our stories on the student body - how these stories affect them, how these stories are about them, how we feel about the school, etc.
Published 6 times each semester, with the exception of January and Summer sessions, MMC’s the Monitor has a circulation of 1,000 and a shared readership.
MMC’s The Monitor is funded through the Student Activity Fee supplemented by generous, local businesses purchasing ad space. Single copies are free to Marymount Manhattan College students, faculty, staff, and community members.
How can I join the club?
Come to our bi-weekly meetings on Mondays at 1 PM. We meet in Nugent Hall in Room 556!
If you have a class scheduled at this time but would still like to help write articles and provide material, please email our Editor-in-Chief, Megan Arnold, at to see about your opportunities.
Got any questions or suggestions? Send an email to to be heard!
DISCLAIMER: This newspaper is the outcome of a student project, and does not necessarily represent the views of Marymount Manhattan College or any other individuals referenced or acknowledged within the newspaper.